Measured Extravagance

10 May 2010 - 7:04 p.m.

Greetings from Nashville, where there's been both too much and not enough water the past week. (The "500-year flood" that hit us last weekend trashed one of the city's two water treatment plants.)

So, first and foremost, I would like to draw your attention to an online auction to help the city's survivors.

The organizers are posting roughly 15 items per day each day through the next week. Bidding is open on each item for three days.Lots of manuscript critiques and consultations from genre editors and agents, as well as ARCs and other swag.

On a personal note, twitterzine microcosms published one of my poems today.

Other publications since February 22:

* more micropoems: 1 2 3

* The Wailing Well (text and audio)

* "Drop," "Portion," and "Assignment." #10 in the "Hay(na)ku for Haiti" series of pocket-sized booklets published by Open Palm Press ($3 per copy; all proceeds donated to Haiti relief efforts).

* Two book reviews at Galatea Resurrects. (The editor is looking for more reviewers, by the way...)

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